It's been while since I last posted, several things have happened:
*taught English for 3 months to foreign students in a language center. In the beginning it was ok and fun, after awhile you feel "stupid" and feel like having a "nosebleed". But it haD it's moments, especially with the kids. Love them!!! They were such personalities and much much better students than the adults.
* Just finished learning French 1 in a language center here in Iloilo. The schedule was M-W-F, and if you're working like we do, it can be exhausting. But the new friends we have acquired and the fabulous teacher Mademoiselle Melissa has made it all worthwhile. Next move...French2
* We are now preparing the wedding, although A.M. still has to be confirmed by third week of may, which I, the ever dutiful girlet will also take hehehe
* Now making plans, although everything is informal, about several trips on certain places in the coming months.
*Try (ahem) to work out starting Monday. I knew I was gaining weight lately, but there's nothing fabulous in seeing a picture of your fat face. It's almost depressing. Oh well, nothing to do next but to get a good work out.
* We're thinking of buying a new SLR cam, a very nice and expensive one. A.M. says we'll probably get my EOS first before we get his more expensive NIKON. Anyway, after paying for the wedding, we can buy all the gadgets and stuff we want. Naks! Mayaman kunwari!
* I have several dozen books bought from Diliman, Powerbooks, National and several other bookstores around town....many I have read, but a lot more I haven't. Anyway, my last read was....... The One Minute Manager. Pretty effective I think.
* Saw more movies lately, but I still wish for more.
*I'm now working with A.M.'s company in their purchasing department, specifically importation. It entails trips to LOBOK, PPA, Customs and paperworks galore. I'' bring my camera around next time.
* Now loving the sound of PUPIL.
-look around for stuff for our Filipiniana-inspired wedding
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.....I can feel a headache coming
P.S. Pictures? Some other time
for someone who likes star wars: enjoy