Ok, its official I’m 22 today…I don’t know, but this year I don’t feel old (like I used to feel every time my birthday comes up). I received a phone call from Russhel today (who’s birthday is tomorrow!! HAPPY B-DAY!) and she told me she felt sad and old. I don’t know but age is just a number for me now. The feeling I get on my natal day is a reflection of what state I am in emotionally (I guess) on this particular year---and this year, I’m quite okey. I have a new direction in my life (law school) and so I kinda know what I will be doing (boring! he he)and where I will be for the next four years. That’s security for my sanity.
Anyways, birthdays are always nice. People greet you and friends demand a free treat. Hmmmm, when will be the year that somebody would actually give me a surprise part? Ahay… (DREAMY STATE)
Friday, February 27, 2004
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Here I was surfing innocently when I suddenly (more like an out of body experience/pretending to be interested if I'm dateable and all---kilig) took this Dateable Test in
Result: Damn, J-Lo! You are...74%
Meaning: Dateable! Attractive and confident, witty and charming, a healthy ambrosia-based diet... You're wanted in the 48 contiguous states, you slayer. Call me. Seduce me. Make me a man (or woman.) Not only do you know how to turn a guy's (or girl's) engines on, but you also know how to oil, lube and rotate it. You put the "elation" back into "relationship," and the "night" back into "one-night stand."
Reaction: Yippeee! Somebody actually thinks I'm dateable! BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Here I was surfing innocently when I suddenly (more like an out of body experience/pretending to be interested if I'm dateable and all---kilig) took this Dateable Test in
Result: Damn, J-Lo! You are...74%
Meaning: Dateable! Attractive and confident, witty and charming, a healthy ambrosia-based diet... You're wanted in the 48 contiguous states, you slayer. Call me. Seduce me. Make me a man (or woman.) Not only do you know how to turn a guy's (or girl's) engines on, but you also know how to oil, lube and rotate it. You put the "elation" back into "relationship," and the "night" back into "one-night stand."
Reaction: Yippeee! Somebody actually thinks I'm dateable! BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
It turns out I can't win the lottery with this one.
Check out the site:
I've been blogging for 1-3 months. I don't own a domain, but I have my own web address. I don't know what a "domain" is, therefore I don't have one. I don't have any links, I mean, why would I want people to leave my site? As far as stats go, I am amazed that someone keeps track of how many people visit my site. I don't link to, nor read, any of the standard A-list blogs (Megnut, Kottke, Robot Wisdom, etc.). In fact, I've never heard of 'em. I try to post once a day, but it doesn't always happen, and that's no big deal. I blog from either home or work, but only after my work is done and when I get some free time. Nearly all the topics I blog are personal experiences or original writing that can't be found elsewhere on the web. I might flirt a little with other bloggers, but anything beyond that is out of the question. I haven't posted, and don't plan on posting, any photos of myself on my blog. Web surveys? Oh, yeah... Hey, did I tell you about the little girl on the bike? There are a few select people I've specifically kept in the dark about my blogging but, for the most part, most people know about it or could easily find it via a web search.
This decoder sucks. I wanted to win the lottery!
By the way, the decoded code is in no way a reflection of me....the only reason why I don't have links coz I'm new with this baby...sobra naman sila! Anyway, what does your code say about you? :-p
It turns out I can't win the lottery with this one.
Check out the site:
I've been blogging for 1-3 months. I don't own a domain, but I have my own web address. I don't know what a "domain" is, therefore I don't have one. I don't have any links, I mean, why would I want people to leave my site? As far as stats go, I am amazed that someone keeps track of how many people visit my site. I don't link to, nor read, any of the standard A-list blogs (Megnut, Kottke, Robot Wisdom, etc.). In fact, I've never heard of 'em. I try to post once a day, but it doesn't always happen, and that's no big deal. I blog from either home or work, but only after my work is done and when I get some free time. Nearly all the topics I blog are personal experiences or original writing that can't be found elsewhere on the web. I might flirt a little with other bloggers, but anything beyond that is out of the question. I haven't posted, and don't plan on posting, any photos of myself on my blog. Web surveys? Oh, yeah... Hey, did I tell you about the little girl on the bike? There are a few select people I've specifically kept in the dark about my blogging but, for the most part, most people know about it or could easily find it via a web search.
This decoder sucks. I wanted to win the lottery!
By the way, the decoded code is in no way a reflection of me....the only reason why I don't have links coz I'm new with this baby...sobra naman sila! Anyway, what does your code say about you? :-p
I was surfing the net and I came across this blogger.code survey or something.
I took it and it finally gave me a code.
The damn thing didn't explain what the whole code meant.
If it turns out that I'm an idiot...I have no one to blame but the idiot that made the code. Bwahahaha!
Here it goes:
My blogger code is:
B1 d- d-- k-- s-- u-- f i o++ x- e- l-- c-
P.S. If anybody can decode this---please do so. I'm lost...wondering...Can I win the lottery with this one? He He HeHe He
I was surfing the net and I came across this blogger.code survey or something.
I took it and it finally gave me a code.
The damn thing didn't explain what the whole code meant.
If it turns out that I'm an idiot...I have no one to blame but the idiot that made the code. Bwahahaha!
Here it goes:
My blogger code is:
B1 d- d-- k-- s-- u-- f i o++ x- e- l-- c-
P.S. If anybody can decode this---please do so. I'm lost...wondering...Can I win the lottery with this one? He He HeHe He
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
StRiKe DaY 2dAy In iLoiLo
(What’s up with that? Economics baby! Plain and Simple)
I have a Dog
She’s a bitch named Amor.
She’s the kind that never refuses a food offering---
Her mother’s (Nike) whack at the back of her neck was too hard to go unnoticed,
Her “Father” (nobody’s sure) Puma’s growl could actually scare her midway to where the food actually is.
She’s pregnant now.
At least we think so….
Hmmmmmm, shall we all start counting puppy babies?
The countdown starts NOW!
tOp 5 tHiNgS i’D lYk 2 Do ThIs SuMmEr
1. Invite myself to somebody’s dinner party. (This is an open invite/plea.)
2. Get lost in Baguio or Benguet.
3. Get invited to Kawayan’s house/art exhibit/what-have-you (bathroom, sala, closet, studio, bundok, suitcase…ewan!)
4. Learn Japanese (to read classic Japanese lit in Japanese)/Graphic Design.
5. Learn photography from a pro.
1. This might just be possible and possibly the one thing I will actually/can do.
2. Near impossible. Unless somebody invites me. I’d leap at the chance baby!
3. (DROOLING) (GOSH!!) (SOMEBODY PINCH ME!) (LORD, PLEASE NAMAN…I’vE bEeN a VeRy GoOd GiRl AlL mY LiFe!! Hinde po ako nanunumbat lord, humihingi lang po nang pabor.)
4. Impossible. Japanese classes in Iloilo are in….huh? Graphic-desgin? Maybe.
5. By hook or by my mother’s pockets I will do this! On my own if I can.
tOp 10 ReAsOnS wHy I wOn’T LeAvE tHe pHiLiPpInEs JuSt Yet
1. Kawayan De Guia's here. (Do I actually need to explain this?)
2. Politics baby---you have more drama and twists and turns and tears and guns and goons and “trapos” than the Americans can hope for in their considerably “pale” political intrigues----with the things these people can get away with?! Damn!
3. No hiya here---the things people actually do to get their 5 minutes of fame. You can actually write a book about it and get it revised weakly--consistently and more! HAH!
4. Here’s where the punch is---the dramas in people’s lives are amazing! Every street has a character you can’t possibly miss! Every big place has political dynasty and all!
5. Characters on the Loose---Filipinos are, to say the least, never boring. Their lives are—to put it mildly---an interesting mix of hope, pain, poverty, wealth…but more than the individual stories of the people around---the inspiration and the substance is in their character. (We’re Asia’s happiest people….I think so….We were according to a study a long time ago…Can somebody confirm this?)
6. Everyone’s a publicist---including myself. Economy is a fact---not a “concept” and “IT” People are made by attending a few high profile parties…not much there.
7. Food---every region offers a diversity of cuisine---don’t wonder why none of us are ever into being a vegetarian…HORROR OF HORRORS!
8. Kris Aquino---now, now---don’t think that she’s the only character that has ever been controversial in this part of Asia…but you have to admit (don’t be shy)—she’s difficult to forget or for that matter forgive. Forgiving a woman who seems to have it all but the foresight in her lovelife? Hmmmm, I stand to be corrected.
9. Filipino Artists---it’s amazing with the kind of artists we produce…from the writers, artists, musicians and what-have-you…I’m still in awe of their talent. I’m in awe---maybe because I’m not one of them? WAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!
10. The Language---most of us are multilingual. Now please consider local “dialects” as languages. My U.P. Professor in Vernacular Lit told me that ignorance and arrogance are the only reasons why we fail to recognize that some of our dialects are actually languages in themselves. Do the Math.
11. I’m still here. There’s still hope for this country. One dollar-earner in a family is enough to keep this economy afloat. I’m an optimist and a pessimist. So I’m STAYING! Hinde ko pa na me-meet si Kawayan noh! Until then… or if he decides to leave, I’m emigrating to wherever he is….
(What’s up with that? Economics baby! Plain and Simple)
I have a Dog
She’s a bitch named Amor.
She’s the kind that never refuses a food offering---
Her mother’s (Nike) whack at the back of her neck was too hard to go unnoticed,
Her “Father” (nobody’s sure) Puma’s growl could actually scare her midway to where the food actually is.
She’s pregnant now.
At least we think so….
Hmmmmmm, shall we all start counting puppy babies?
The countdown starts NOW!
tOp 5 tHiNgS i’D lYk 2 Do ThIs SuMmEr
1. Invite myself to somebody’s dinner party. (This is an open invite/plea.)
2. Get lost in Baguio or Benguet.
3. Get invited to Kawayan’s house/art exhibit/what-have-you (bathroom, sala, closet, studio, bundok, suitcase…ewan!)
4. Learn Japanese (to read classic Japanese lit in Japanese)/Graphic Design.
5. Learn photography from a pro.
1. This might just be possible and possibly the one thing I will actually/can do.
2. Near impossible. Unless somebody invites me. I’d leap at the chance baby!
3. (DROOLING) (GOSH!!) (SOMEBODY PINCH ME!) (LORD, PLEASE NAMAN…I’vE bEeN a VeRy GoOd GiRl AlL mY LiFe!! Hinde po ako nanunumbat lord, humihingi lang po nang pabor.)
4. Impossible. Japanese classes in Iloilo are in….huh? Graphic-desgin? Maybe.
5. By hook or by my mother’s pockets I will do this! On my own if I can.
tOp 10 ReAsOnS wHy I wOn’T LeAvE tHe pHiLiPpInEs JuSt Yet
1. Kawayan De Guia's here. (Do I actually need to explain this?)
2. Politics baby---you have more drama and twists and turns and tears and guns and goons and “trapos” than the Americans can hope for in their considerably “pale” political intrigues----with the things these people can get away with?! Damn!
3. No hiya here---the things people actually do to get their 5 minutes of fame. You can actually write a book about it and get it revised weakly--consistently and more! HAH!
4. Here’s where the punch is---the dramas in people’s lives are amazing! Every street has a character you can’t possibly miss! Every big place has political dynasty and all!
5. Characters on the Loose---Filipinos are, to say the least, never boring. Their lives are—to put it mildly---an interesting mix of hope, pain, poverty, wealth…but more than the individual stories of the people around---the inspiration and the substance is in their character. (We’re Asia’s happiest people….I think so….We were according to a study a long time ago…Can somebody confirm this?)
6. Everyone’s a publicist---including myself. Economy is a fact---not a “concept” and “IT” People are made by attending a few high profile parties…not much there.
7. Food---every region offers a diversity of cuisine---don’t wonder why none of us are ever into being a vegetarian…HORROR OF HORRORS!
8. Kris Aquino---now, now---don’t think that she’s the only character that has ever been controversial in this part of Asia…but you have to admit (don’t be shy)—she’s difficult to forget or for that matter forgive. Forgiving a woman who seems to have it all but the foresight in her lovelife? Hmmmm, I stand to be corrected.
9. Filipino Artists---it’s amazing with the kind of artists we produce…from the writers, artists, musicians and what-have-you…I’m still in awe of their talent. I’m in awe---maybe because I’m not one of them? WAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!
10. The Language---most of us are multilingual. Now please consider local “dialects” as languages. My U.P. Professor in Vernacular Lit told me that ignorance and arrogance are the only reasons why we fail to recognize that some of our dialects are actually languages in themselves. Do the Math.
11. I’m still here. There’s still hope for this country. One dollar-earner in a family is enough to keep this economy afloat. I’m an optimist and a pessimist. So I’m STAYING! Hinde ko pa na me-meet si Kawayan noh! Until then… or if he decides to leave, I’m emigrating to wherever he is….
Monday, February 23, 2004
(Being philosophical about the rain---a favorite past time)
It suddenly rained yesterday that my dog Nike, who’s scared of every natural sound on the planet and pissed at every natural man (?) and animal on the street, was scratching at the main door so hard that I couldn’t help but notice it. So I ran from my room and opened the door and there she was—a little bit soaked but obviously happy to see a familiar sight (Is this the part where I’m suppose to rave about my own beauty? Or the lack of it maybe? Nah!). Anyway, to cut a long story short, I stayed with her for a few minutes on the doorway and so we both saw Mother Nature at its best. Considering na mainit ang Pilipinas, I love it when it rains. I can just be lost in my own thoughts (or is it a form of meditation na rin? Just letting you’re mind be free. No thinking involved/meditation?) I remember (I’m sure every regular Filipino kid can relate to this) playing, walking and just plain getting soaked on the streets of what-have-you when I was young that you could almost call it bath-time when it rains---until you realized that you might have a weak pair of lungs that could kill you.
Anyway, back to Nike and me, we were both just sitting on our behinds there on the doorway---so I took off my eyeglasses and with my nearsighted/astigmatism pair of slightly-useless naked eyes I realized that as I may be trying to absorb the essence of rain-watching with my dog (bonding time) that a lot of people might be just be pissed right now. Sure rain-watching is fun—as long as you have a strong bubong and cemented walls---but I wonder if I would feel the same way if my house was a little bit less in structure? Hmmmm…I wonder? Now that’s a thought that needs no thinking-time/think-tanks involved. Just get lost in your own little town/probinsya and you’d find the answer. By the rivers of Babylon---voila! The future of Rizal in the make-shift houses that could almost be Pinoy architecture and design in its form/originality/art in its barest minimum/essentials….The day statistics tell us that things are getting better and no more need for Imeldific cover-ups everytime a swanky foreign-diplomat/world leader comes…then that’s the day I go back to my rain-watching…just soaked up with memories of the time when Nike and I were just sitting on out behinds…taking off my eyeglasses and being grateful that I can still see the rain. BWAHAHAHA!
(Being philosophical about the rain---a favorite past time)
It suddenly rained yesterday that my dog Nike, who’s scared of every natural sound on the planet and pissed at every natural man (?) and animal on the street, was scratching at the main door so hard that I couldn’t help but notice it. So I ran from my room and opened the door and there she was—a little bit soaked but obviously happy to see a familiar sight (Is this the part where I’m suppose to rave about my own beauty? Or the lack of it maybe? Nah!). Anyway, to cut a long story short, I stayed with her for a few minutes on the doorway and so we both saw Mother Nature at its best. Considering na mainit ang Pilipinas, I love it when it rains. I can just be lost in my own thoughts (or is it a form of meditation na rin? Just letting you’re mind be free. No thinking involved/meditation?) I remember (I’m sure every regular Filipino kid can relate to this) playing, walking and just plain getting soaked on the streets of what-have-you when I was young that you could almost call it bath-time when it rains---until you realized that you might have a weak pair of lungs that could kill you.
Anyway, back to Nike and me, we were both just sitting on our behinds there on the doorway---so I took off my eyeglasses and with my nearsighted/astigmatism pair of slightly-useless naked eyes I realized that as I may be trying to absorb the essence of rain-watching with my dog (bonding time) that a lot of people might be just be pissed right now. Sure rain-watching is fun—as long as you have a strong bubong and cemented walls---but I wonder if I would feel the same way if my house was a little bit less in structure? Hmmmm…I wonder? Now that’s a thought that needs no thinking-time/think-tanks involved. Just get lost in your own little town/probinsya and you’d find the answer. By the rivers of Babylon---voila! The future of Rizal in the make-shift houses that could almost be Pinoy architecture and design in its form/originality/art in its barest minimum/essentials….The day statistics tell us that things are getting better and no more need for Imeldific cover-ups everytime a swanky foreign-diplomat/world leader comes…then that’s the day I go back to my rain-watching…just soaked up with memories of the time when Nike and I were just sitting on out behinds…taking off my eyeglasses and being grateful that I can still see the rain. BWAHAHAHA!
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Nyehehehe!!!!! Here I am trying to improve the look of my template by trying to add a feature that allows readers to comment on my blog (meron ba?) when I finally found one that gives the 1-2-3’s for free! Anak ng *@#$%&^! I still don’t get it! Anyways, I’ll just spread the news about blog to my ka-friendsters and ask them later on for the drill (actually, por favor my friends in the name of blog—gawin niyo na lang template ko—I’ll send you a kiss na lang! he he). For now—wala lang.
Uuuuy! Happy Festival to all the people of Baguio! Wish I was there. Funny, I was watching the news (with my sked that’s rare) and I saw these kids freezing while dancing on the streets of Baguio. I don’t know but the sight of those poor, drenched, freezing and obviously-pissed kids amused me (at first) more than any other emotion. They look like they’re having a hell-of-a-time (literally) but still with their Baguio (or is it Benguet?) flowers intact. He he he Is this where the cliché “The show must go on”-crap sets in? He he he Wawa naman ang mga bata---but seriously though, pneumonia is not something you can laugh about---As that famous commercial boldly admits-the-Philippine-reality/fact/realidad--- “Sa Panahon Ngayon, Bawal Magkasakit.” You’d be sent out the hospitals the moment they find out you can’t afford the best baby. Hmmm, has anybody heard of umbrellas lately? He he
Oh yeah! One more thing! (It’s not exactly more…come to think about, it’s not anything!!) Special Mention na lang kunwari: I couldn’t help but notice the Senatoriables/Candidates for the next Election in the streets of Baguio….hanep, no need to go to my little town folks! Sikat na sila sa TV commercials and News-coverage pa lng…Let’s vote! Who’s the best dancer? ….Hmmmm, I wonder---anong flower kaya and nire-represent nang bawat kandidato? Is it the blooming–kind? The scented-kind? The wilting ones? Or the smelly ones? Na na na na na ---mabaho ba dito? HYUK HYUK
P.S. Sorry about the fire that razed the house of Kidlat and Kawayan De Guia. Saw it on TV--sayang...but hey! Maybe this is the Higher Being's way of saying that we all need new beginnings this year huh?! I know it sucks.
May the good spirits bless you in all four directions. Good luck on the new house. Hey, maybe the next time I drop by in Benguet it'll be finished na? Hope so :-)
Nyehehehe!!!!! Here I am trying to improve the look of my template by trying to add a feature that allows readers to comment on my blog (meron ba?) when I finally found one that gives the 1-2-3’s for free! Anak ng *@#$%&^! I still don’t get it! Anyways, I’ll just spread the news about blog to my ka-friendsters and ask them later on for the drill (actually, por favor my friends in the name of blog—gawin niyo na lang template ko—I’ll send you a kiss na lang! he he). For now—wala lang.
Uuuuy! Happy Festival to all the people of Baguio! Wish I was there. Funny, I was watching the news (with my sked that’s rare) and I saw these kids freezing while dancing on the streets of Baguio. I don’t know but the sight of those poor, drenched, freezing and obviously-pissed kids amused me (at first) more than any other emotion. They look like they’re having a hell-of-a-time (literally) but still with their Baguio (or is it Benguet?) flowers intact. He he he Is this where the cliché “The show must go on”-crap sets in? He he he Wawa naman ang mga bata---but seriously though, pneumonia is not something you can laugh about---As that famous commercial boldly admits-the-Philippine-reality/fact/realidad--- “Sa Panahon Ngayon, Bawal Magkasakit.” You’d be sent out the hospitals the moment they find out you can’t afford the best baby. Hmmm, has anybody heard of umbrellas lately? He he
Oh yeah! One more thing! (It’s not exactly more…come to think about, it’s not anything!!) Special Mention na lang kunwari: I couldn’t help but notice the Senatoriables/Candidates for the next Election in the streets of Baguio….hanep, no need to go to my little town folks! Sikat na sila sa TV commercials and News-coverage pa lng…Let’s vote! Who’s the best dancer? ….Hmmmm, I wonder---anong flower kaya and nire-represent nang bawat kandidato? Is it the blooming–kind? The scented-kind? The wilting ones? Or the smelly ones? Na na na na na ---mabaho ba dito? HYUK HYUK
P.S. Sorry about the fire that razed the house of Kidlat and Kawayan De Guia. Saw it on TV--sayang...but hey! Maybe this is the Higher Being's way of saying that we all need new beginnings this year huh?! I know it sucks.
May the good spirits bless you in all four directions. Good luck on the new house. Hey, maybe the next time I drop by in Benguet it'll be finished na? Hope so :-)
Me, Myself and I
I’m pretty much a self-aware person to say a few things about myself. But I also normally frown at the idea of “Please describe yourself”, but then again, I usually don’t have a choice.
First things first, I’m a Pisces. Now you ask, what’s importance of that? Not much. I just thought that would save me a few spaces in my blank computer screen (he he he). I’m the eldest, and so usually I get the first-hand and front-seat view of “possible consequences speech” of my parents. I’m the kind of child that always has to report of my whereabouts. I would probably be still asking for permission (and money) for the rest of my life. But then again, don’t think that I don’t have a mind of my own. I don’t shrink in expressing my views, and more often than not, my disgust.
If there’s one thing that U.P. gave me, it’s to be critical of things. One of my favorite professors in U.P. told us never to be satisfied with mediocre work--at first I though that she was referring to our production work. But since then, I’ve learned that it was a life lesson.
If I start on something, I like to finish it; if not in the most efficient way, at least in the respectable way that I can. I like things that demand my undivided attention and I don’t like waiting for anything (unless I really, really, desperately have to). If I can’t get it, I ask someone. I don’t plan to make the same mistakes as others to learn life lessons--because by then I’d be too old. I’m too young and to scared of having early life wrinkles on my forehead to be burdened by life’s tragedies.
If someone tells me to do something I’d do it. If I can’t I’d say so. I’d rather pass the job to someone who can, than see my name attached to a mediocre and embarrassing work. I think I’m brave enough to admit what I can and can’t possibly do.
But then again, I also like to test myself. I start having this internal debate with myself and I start asking, “Can I? Would I?” In doing something, what intrigues me first, is the possibility that I can. Sometimes though I do need a little bit of convincing and support—and when I say “Why the heck not?” I tend to deliver.
*This was something I wrote trying to get into a school paper or something--never heard from them again---so why waste a perfectly good sentiment? Blog na lang!
I’m pretty much a self-aware person to say a few things about myself. But I also normally frown at the idea of “Please describe yourself”, but then again, I usually don’t have a choice.
First things first, I’m a Pisces. Now you ask, what’s importance of that? Not much. I just thought that would save me a few spaces in my blank computer screen (he he he). I’m the eldest, and so usually I get the first-hand and front-seat view of “possible consequences speech” of my parents. I’m the kind of child that always has to report of my whereabouts. I would probably be still asking for permission (and money) for the rest of my life. But then again, don’t think that I don’t have a mind of my own. I don’t shrink in expressing my views, and more often than not, my disgust.
If there’s one thing that U.P. gave me, it’s to be critical of things. One of my favorite professors in U.P. told us never to be satisfied with mediocre work--at first I though that she was referring to our production work. But since then, I’ve learned that it was a life lesson.
If I start on something, I like to finish it; if not in the most efficient way, at least in the respectable way that I can. I like things that demand my undivided attention and I don’t like waiting for anything (unless I really, really, desperately have to). If I can’t get it, I ask someone. I don’t plan to make the same mistakes as others to learn life lessons--because by then I’d be too old. I’m too young and to scared of having early life wrinkles on my forehead to be burdened by life’s tragedies.
If someone tells me to do something I’d do it. If I can’t I’d say so. I’d rather pass the job to someone who can, than see my name attached to a mediocre and embarrassing work. I think I’m brave enough to admit what I can and can’t possibly do.
But then again, I also like to test myself. I start having this internal debate with myself and I start asking, “Can I? Would I?” In doing something, what intrigues me first, is the possibility that I can. Sometimes though I do need a little bit of convincing and support—and when I say “Why the heck not?” I tend to deliver.
*This was something I wrote trying to get into a school paper or something--never heard from them again---so why waste a perfectly good sentiment? Blog na lang!
Sunday, February 15, 2004
The Voice in My Head
What's the one thing that pisses me off the moment it comes up? Oh yeah, the curtailment of my right to choose.
Good lordy, I don't want to ruin my life---so give me a break----give me the right to choose if I want to attend your party or not!...Man! It's not like I'm going to be missing anything right?
What's the one thing that pisses me off the moment it comes up? Oh yeah, the curtailment of my right to choose.
Good lordy, I don't want to ruin my life---so give me a break----give me the right to choose if I want to attend your party or not!...Man! It's not like I'm going to be missing anything right?
Saturday, February 14, 2004
Ok, so here I am---kagagaling sa Crim law midterms...after reading for hours on end, my stiff neck is in its peak...I was coming home and I couldn't help but notice the couples waiting outside the malls, the goddamn traffic caused by the slow driven cars (lahat ata ng kotse sa Iloilo lumabas ngayon)...and I thought 3 things are happening now and 2mrw morn:
a. Sweet nothings would rule the night,
b. Rotten roses would start smelling tomorrow and
c. Putris, wala akong date.
Give me one thing that's wrong with that list?
Anyways, heart's day/lovers/araw ng mga nagmamahalan crap ngayon...Happy Valentine's Day sa lahat na masaya and Feb.14
Special Mention: Kawayan De Guia
Ba't ko nga ba crush ang isang taong nakita ko lang sa TV at nabasa sa newspaper at MEGA? That's another blog topic for me.
Hey Moonswept/Jas! Thanks.
Ok, so here I am---kagagaling sa Crim law midterms...after reading for hours on end, my stiff neck is in its peak...I was coming home and I couldn't help but notice the couples waiting outside the malls, the goddamn traffic caused by the slow driven cars (lahat ata ng kotse sa Iloilo lumabas ngayon)...and I thought 3 things are happening now and 2mrw morn:
a. Sweet nothings would rule the night,
b. Rotten roses would start smelling tomorrow and
c. Putris, wala akong date.
Give me one thing that's wrong with that list?
Anyways, heart's day/lovers/araw ng mga nagmamahalan crap ngayon...Happy Valentine's Day sa lahat na masaya and Feb.14
Special Mention: Kawayan De Guia
Ba't ko nga ba crush ang isang taong nakita ko lang sa TV at nabasa sa newspaper at MEGA? That's another blog topic for me.
Hey Moonswept/Jas! Thanks.
Friday, February 13, 2004
Obviously I've just made this blogspot...where in the beeswax have I been?
Anyways, if any of you guys know anything about changing the look of this template of mine, be free to do so...any suggestion is cool with me considering how technically or should I say graphically challenged I am..anyways, I'll post something decent next time...hope to hear from you guys soon...Ingatz!
Anyways, if any of you guys know anything about changing the look of this template of mine, be free to do so...any suggestion is cool with me considering how technically or should I say graphically challenged I am..anyways, I'll post something decent next time...hope to hear from you guys soon...Ingatz!
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